Cross-border training


In the cross-border apprenticeship and the dual, cross-border study program, the theoretical phases take place at a vocational school or university in France. You will spend the practical phases at Michelin in Homburg or Karlsruhe. Depending on the degree you are aiming for, the training program lasts between one and three years. The practical and theoretical phases alternate every two weeks. The qualification is recognized in both Germany and France. 

At our sites in Homburg and Karlsruhe, we offer the following Franco-German training courses and degree programs: Baccalauréat professionnelle (BAC PRO) Brevet de technicien supérieur en mécanique/électronique (BTS) Licence professionnelle (Licence Pro) Diplôme universitaire de technologie (DUT) - Genie industriel et maintenance
You will improve your foreign language skills. You will develop your professional and social skills in an intercultural context. You will develop an independent and goal-oriented way of working through the gradual transfer of responsibility. You will make important contacts across national borders. You will receive a training salary in line with the chemical industry pay scale and benefit from a whole range of social benefits (participation in the employee share program, free staff tires, company health management, bonuses for ideas for progress and much more)
The application process takes place from June to the end of August for the start of training in the following year. We advertise all vacancies online in the job search on our careers website. Please upload your cover letter, CV and your last two references. If we are impressed by your application documents, you will receive an invitation to an assessment center or a personal interview. We look forward to hearing from you.
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